
The indigenous people of Brazil and Paraguay have been drinking mate drinks since ancient times. We had to wait until the 16th century and the travel stories of a Spanish explorer to see these drinks exported to Europe. The conquistador reported that the indigenous peoples of South America ( the Guarani ) prepared an infusion of leaves giving energy . Very quickly, the drink became all the rage in Spain, which prompted the Jesuits on mission in Paraguay to establish the cultivation of these trees with their coveted leaves, hence its name “ Jesuit tea ”.

Mate is cultivated mainly in Paraguay , in Argentinaand in southern Brazil , but it is also cultivated in India where it is part of the Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia.

Used in the preparation of a drink of the same name, the plant is very popular in many South American countries, its leaves are today known for their energizing, draining, toning properties and playing a role in controlling the weight.

With tea and coffee, mate is one of the three most consumed caffeinated drinks in the world! In Paraguay and Uruguay, its consumption as a daily energizer is more widespread than that of coffee or tea. The caffeine content of mate is between that of tea and coffee.

The energizing effects of yerba mate are largely due to the caffeine it contains.

Caffeine enhances cognitive and physical performance . It also helps increase alertness and concentration skills .

Mate contains xanthic bases (caffeine, theobromine, theophylline) flavonoids , triterpene saponosides and vitamins .

The active ingredients of mate (mainly caffeine and theobromine) are present in the dried leaves and petioles.

The leaves are listed in the pharmacopoeia French .

We use mate in B-Vitality to support vitality.